Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From Vicki -

Reminder:  Please return your empty CSA boxes to your drop off site so I can reuse them.  Return egg cartons also.

The early outdoor planting scenario has caught up with me.  I had to try to squeeze crops into limited spaces due to wet soil and now I am finding I just do not have enough of several crops coming in yet.  I have been able to get new and larger plantings in and they are almost ready to pick, but just not quite yet.  I have been tempted this week to pick some items but feel I would end up hurting us more in the long run by picking prematurely.  I have always reminded myself not to rush the harvest, but am tempted because I want the boxes to be nice.  Rather than hold back a week on delivery I am going to pick what we can and add extras later in the season.  I would hate to miss the strawberries because they only come in for a short time and are in their prime right now.  My apologies, but I think I am making the right choice for this year and the crazy early season we have had.  By next week several things will be ready and I will feel better about picking them.  

With CSA, you share with me in the ups and downs.  I hate the downs, but this year have had many of them - all due to the cold and the rain.  Please know if you are frustrated, I am even more so.   If we go by the Farmer's Almanac, the rains are due to end and the year is going to warm up.  Here's hoping.  Unfortunately,some crops may be  a week or two weeks later than normal this summer beacuse we could not plant as normally scheduled. These are tiems like cucumbers, peppers, watermelon, tomatoes, etc. They will come in, and perhaps they will play catch up and not be late after all. 
My workers are still away, but I did find some temporary workers to fill in, so this week has been a little better, even though seven of us were out on Monday night until 8:45 PM picking the berries.  Whew!
Your box
Boc choi
Lettuce head - various types, as we were able to find big enough ones to pick
Rhubarb - the stalks are big and everyone got a over a pound
Hakurei salad turnips - the greens are edible also.  Eat them raw, are lightly steam or saute


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